To serve you better We have updated our Appointment and Service hours. “New” Retail Store Hours 9am - 7pm Mon-Fri and 10am - 3pm Sat. CLOSED Sunday and Holidays BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Some practioners are taking clients starting at 7am or ending at 8pm as well as some Sunday’s and Holiday’s - ask for details

Massage Therapy

Massage is beneficial to your body in the recovery process by increasing circulation and lymphatic drainage, allowing your body to heal damaged muscle fibers. We have several different types of massage to choose from. Book the one that is perfect for you! Full description of each massage is listed on our website We offer Direct Billing with most companies. Visit www.renewa... Read More

Massage is beneficial to your body in the recovery process by increasing circulation and lymphatic drainage, allowing your body to heal damaged muscle fibers. We have several different types of massage to choose from. Book the one that is perfect for you! Full description of each massage is listed on our website

We offer Direct Billing with most companies. Visit for a complete listing of insurance providers.


Fully Licensed and Billable to Insurance Whole Body Healing Looking at your issue, pain, or problem as a whole and not just the symptoms or area of pain. Using a variety of techniques such as, Visceral Manipulation, Craniosacral, Massage, and Fascial Release to alleviate your pain and help your body heal efficiently. ​Manual Osteopathy is a drug-free, gentle, non-invasive hands-on treatm... Read More

Fully Licensed and Billable to Insurance
Whole Body Healing
Looking at your issue, pain, or problem as a whole and not just the symptoms or area of pain.
Using a variety of techniques such as, Visceral Manipulation, Craniosacral, Massage, and Fascial Release to alleviate your pain and help your body heal efficiently.
​Manual Osteopathy is a drug-free, gentle, non-invasive hands-on treatment that is a unique holistic approach which focuses on treating the whole body
Manual Osteopaths are trained to find and treat the root cause of dysfunction and not just chase the symptoms. They identify and and assess the body using osteopathic palpation, a very sensitive touch that feels the body's structures and rhythms. Abnormal structures and rhythms are then treated in order to restore proper structure and function and promote healing from within.
Manual Osteopathy looks at treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework; which includes joints, muscles and bones. It also addresses the body's nervous, circulatory, and lymphatic systems while also looking at internal organs and fluids of the body.
Focusing on the structure and function of the body, Manual Osteopathy can help treat:​​
- Arthritis
- Migraine & Tension Headaches
- Neck Pain
- Frozen Shoulder
- Chronic Pain
- Sports Injuries
- Joint Problems
- Muscle Spasms
- Ligament Sprains
- Menstrual Cramps
- Pregnancy Issues
- Irritable Bowl Syndrome
- Planter Fasciitis ​​

Kristine has achieved Honors and Distinction in both Manual Osteopath from National Manual Osteopathic College and her Advanced Clinical Massage Therapy from MaKami College, to give her 5000 hours of education.  She is an active member of NMOS and CRMTA and she continues to study as she is a life-long learner. 

She is trained  in Osteo-articulation, Visceral Manipulation, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Advanced Fascial Release, Advanced Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release & Myofascial Cupping, Orthopedic Assessment, Sports Massage, Therapeutic, & Deep Tissue Massage.  

She treats conditions such as TMJD-Temporal-mandibular Joint Disfunction, Plantar Fasciitis, TOS-Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, CTS-Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Shin-splints, Ringing ears, Migraines and Headaches or Digestive issues and will assist you with any rehabilitation from injury or surgery.

She also enjoys providing rejuvenating and soothing relaxation treatments such as Pre/Post Natal, Hot Stone, Swedish, and Spa Scrubs & Wraps that she creates for you personally.

In her spare time, you will always find Kristine in the mountains enjoying activities with her husband such as ski racing, downhill mountain biking, and running.

Kristine’s belief is, “A healthy body needs help. Achieving balance starts with relief & correction of symptoms then strengthening of muscles followed by maintenance for overall health.”

Kristine became a Manual Osteopath and a Registered Massage Therapist to provide the best whole body therapeutic healing for physical, mental & emotional stresses.

As a person who Is very active and has been through injury, disease, and loss, she realizes the importance of taking care of yourself. She turned to Osteo and massage for the benefits It provides inside and out.

Kristine has achieved Honors and Distinction in both Manual Osteopath from National Manual Osteop... Read More

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